2024 Community Day Volunteer Sign Up
Highlander Community Day is August 24th, more details to come!

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Community Day! Set up will begin at 9 AM, our festivities tear down will start at 3:15 PM. Volunteers are asked to meet at our office before locating to their assigned duty.

Please feel free to share this among your networks as well. We hope to see you there! :-)
If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Kashya at kashya@seventyfivenorth.org or call 402-502-2770
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First + Last Name *
Shirt Size *
Are you signing up on behalf of your organization:
Let us know what organization you are with!
Date of Birth *
We ask that our volunteers are 17 years+ & anyone younger is accompanied by an adult. Thank you!
Email *
We'll send you an email with additional information on where you'll be helping for the day. Quick FAQs & event schedule
Tell us your availability! *
Any restrictions we should note? *
For example: 'Can't lift more than 35 pounds'' -or- 'On crutches, cannot walk property' -or- 'Have to leave at 1PM'
Are you interested in other volunteer opportunities? *
In the future we'll have other opportunities to help with set up, tear down and day of coordination. If you select 'Yes' we will include you in future emails/notices for volunteer opportunities via Seventy Five North! Thank you again!
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