2024 St. John University Parish Catechesis Registration Form
Thank you for registering your child(ren) for catechesis at St. John's! We are so excited to be spending the year with your family.

All families with school-aged children (4 and up) should register for Catechesis at St. John's. Families with children under the age of four are welcome to attend Whole Family Catechesis. 

At a glance:

All families are asked to attend Whole Family Catechesis, which will be held once per month, typically the first Sunday of the month, from 9:45-10:45am. Once your registration is completed, we will send you the 2024 Catechesis Calendar so that you can plan ahead!

Fee: $40 per child, $60 per family (multiple children over age 4). You can pay at the end of this form online, or if you prefer, you may bring a check to the first Whole Family Catechesis Session on September 15th, 2024. 

***The information on this form is intended to help the staff prepare the catechists for the year ahead. All information shared on this form is strictly confidential.*** 

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Email *
Recognizing my role as my child's primary Catechist, I promise to make attending Sunday Mass, Holy Days of Obligation, Catechesis/Sacramental preparation, prayer and parish involvement priorities in our everyday family life.  *
Are you and your family registered parishioners of St. John University Parish? *
Has your family registered for Catechesis at St. John's in the past? *
If no, where have your children previously attended catechesis, and to what grade level? (ex. "St. Mary's, completed sixth grade catechesis") 
If you have previously attended catechesis at St. Johns, please type "n/a" or skip this question.
Please select the catechetical program(s) you will be utilizing between Whole Family Catechesis weeks: *
Please select all that apply for your family.
Please list ALL of your children's names and ages as of September 15, 2024: *
John Smith, 14
Jane Smith, 11
Joan Smith, 7
What is/are your child/children interested in? Tell us a little bit about them!
Father's Last Name *
Father's First Name *
Father's Religion *
Mother's Last Name *
Mother's First Name *
Mother's Religion *
Is either parent deceased? *
Are the parents divorced or separated?  *
If divorced or separated, who has custodial rights?
(If necessary, please email a copy or a photo of the custodial agreement to dre@mountaineercatholic.com)
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Parent/Guardian Cell number (for text updates re: classes, weather changes, etc) -- please list all numbers who want/need updates and whose number it is. *
Complete Home Address *
Parent/Guardian email addresses -- this is our primary means of communication: *
Who is permitted to pick up your child? Please list all applicable names and phone numbers.  *
Please provide any medical information or special needs you feel our Catechetical Program should be made aware of -- if none, please type n/a *
St. John's Catechetical Program, in conjunction with the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, is required to present a Fall and Spring session of Virtus: Safety Touching, taught in the classroom via Virtus.org. As a parent, you have the right to "Opt Out" your child. Dates for these lessons will be sent on the Catechetical Calendar after registration is complete. Please choose your participation option: *
I give permission for my child's picture to be taken and used in St. John University Parish, Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston publications, and on St. John's and DWC website and social media accounts.
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HOME STUDY ONLY: Which curricula will you use for your children's catechesis this year?
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