2025 Intent to Apply
Thank you for your interest in the WNC AgOptions grant program. With support from the N.C. Tobacco Trust Fund Commission, the WNC Agricultural Options program builds sustainable farming communities in our mountain region by providing resources directly to farmers who are diversifying and expanding their operations. 

Funding for WNC AgOptions for 2025 has not yet been awarded to WNC Communities, the fiscal manager of the grant. You will be notified about the status of the 2025 program when funding is officially awarded.

To apply for the WNC AgOptions grant, you are required to partner with your local N.C. Cooperative Extension agent. To comply with the Intent to Apply deadline, take the following steps: 

1. Contact your county N.C. Cooperative Extension agent to discuss your ideas for your proposed project by the Intent to Apply Date, which is October 11, 2024Contact information for the county centers in the West District can be found at https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/nc-cooperative-extension-district-map. If you have difficulty reaching an agent at your local Extension office, contact us for assistance at 828-252-4783.

2. After speaking with your Extension agent, fill out the form below by October 11, 2024.
Applicants who do not meet the Intent to Apply deadline may not receive all possible points in the review process.

Do not fill out this form unless you have already spoken with your agent. For questions about this form, please call 828-252-4783.
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Have you spoken to your NC Cooperative Extension agent about applying for the 2025 WNC AgOptions grant? If no, stop here and contact your agent. Once you have spoken to your agent, fill out this form by October 11, 2024. *
First name *
Last name *
Email address *
List the county in which you reside. *
Phone number (include area code) *
Farm Name *
County or area in which project is located *
The Intent to Apply deadline helps Extension agents manage their schedules to have time to work with farmers in their counties that would like to apply for the WNC AgOptions grant. You MUST contact your Extension agent by October  11, 2024 so you can discuss ideas for your project. Applicants who do not meet the Intent to Apply deadline may not receive all possible points in the review process.
Who is the N.C. Cooperative Extension agent that is partnering with you on your project? *
What date did you discuss your project with your agent? *
You don't have to commit to a particular project at this time but please give a brief summary of the project(s) are you considering applying for. *
Which grant amount do you anticipate you will apply for? Your answer does not obligate you to request this amount on your application. *
How did you find out about WNC AgOptions? *
I certify that I have spoken to my N.C. Cooperative Extension agent about my intent to apply for the 2025 WNC AgOptions grant and that all the information in this form is true. *
Your response will not be collected unless you click the Submit button at the end of this form.
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