MMM Waiting List 2024-25
Please complete this form to add your child's name to the Mull Music Makers waiting list. We will be in touch soon when a space becomes available. 

Please note, we usually take new starts on at the start of each school year with some scope to slot others in at other times of the year as and where possible. We always find space for anyone keen to learn music! 

We run eight x 2-day violin/fiddle workshops per year PLUS a summer school in the holidays. Year round fundraising ensures that all of our activities are free of charge, however donations are welcome. Instruments are provided.
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Your name *
Your email address *
Your child's name *
Your child's date of birth *
Contact number  *
My child is currently able to access musical activities on the island *
Please provide some details on your answer above *
If your child has take part in any previous musical activities, please provide details below. *
Where did you find out about MMM? *
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