Xoogler.co: Opportunities in Climate
Scott Tierney (https://www.linkedin.com/in/scott-a-tierney/) helped start CapitalG (Google's late stage fund) in 2013. He now runs Valo Ventures based in Palo Alto (https://valoventures.org/)

Join Scott and his partners Julie and Mona as they discuss the opportunities to start companies in climate or join companies working on today's biggest challenges.

"Valo Ventures is a thesis-driven venture capital firm investing in North America and Europe. Our mission is "investing for a brighter future" and we do this by focusing on four catalyzing megatrends: climate change, circular economy, autonomy and empowered people. We identify and support entrepreneurs who are applying digital technologies to create long term economic, environmental and social value)"

Time: 5:30pm PST
Date:  January
Location: Downtown Palo Alto & Online

Questions? Contact: chris@xoogler.co and ankit@xoogler.co


Review www.xoogler.co and www.angel.co/xooglers/syndicate for more information.

News Coverage on Xoogler.co
- cnbc.com/2018/05/01/xoogler-demo-day-2018-startup-pitches-from-former-google-employees.html
- https://www.businessinsider.com.au/inside-london-xoogler-pitch-da-ex-googlers-startups-80-eu-investors-2017-6
- www.wsj.com/articles/google-alumni-pitch-investors-at-xoogler-demo-days-1461092062

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