International Affairs book review applications
International Affairs is a leading international relations journal. We are renowned for academically rigorous, practitioner-focused scholarship.

We publish a well respected and comprehensive book review section including books which cover topics across the international relations field published in the last 12 to 18 months.

We are looking for new book reviewers from junior and senior academics to practitioners and policy-makers. If you have a specific book in mind or just want to register as a book reviewer please fill in the form below. We are particularly looking for submissions on topics that have historically not been well represented in the journal. If accepted, we will send you the book to read for free.

We particularly welcome contributions from early career scholars. Anyone interested must have completed their studies to a masters degree level (or equivalent practical experience) and have either: a minimum of two years of work experience or currently pursuing a PhD.

For guidance on what we look for in a book review, please read this blog:

For our latest book reviews, please click here:
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If you have a specific book(s) you would like to review, please list here
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