Become a volunteer
Please fill out this form to register your interest in becoming a volunteer with Grovehill Animal Trust. For insurance reasons you need to be 16 or over to volunteer.
Your personal information will be kept safe and not shared with anyone else.

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Email *
Your Name *
Contact Phone Number *
Your Address *
Occupation *
Age *
Emergency contact name and phone number *
Are you physically fit *
Please tell us what area of the trust's work you would be interested in helping out *
What is the maximum number of hours you can commit to each week? *
Which days of the week could you help? *
Please state if you are an employee or volunteer with any other charity or organisation involved in animal welfare *
Please supply two references from a professional eg employer, teacher etc.  Please do not select partners, relatives or friends as referees. *
You must declare any criminal convictions registered against you. If none please state "No convictions to declare" *
Do you consent to the use of your photograph being taken for publicity and possibly use in the local media and social media *
People volunteering at Grovehill Animal Trust must not pursue any activity whose policies and objectives they know or suspect are inconsistent with the objectives and policies of Grovehill.  All volunteers working for Grovehill Animal Trust will ensure that, in that capacity, they do not issue any statement or otherwise act in a matter which would be contrary to the stated objectives or policies of Grovehill Animal Trust. Do you agree to these terms: *
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