Doulas Without Borders Volunteer Application
Welcome to the DWB application process! To volunteer with us, you need to have completed a doula training course and to have had / be currently receiving mentorship, unless you’re a research midwife or are in another specialist role.
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Email *
Please tick the box below if you do not want to be added to our mailing list. DWB contacts this list infrequently with valuable updates on our work, eg a quarterly newsletter, and will never pass on your details to any third parties. 
Full name: *
Please tick here to agree that you are able to access these email addresses below. All of your welcome emails, Zoom links and other emails from us will come from these and we need to know that you can check your spam / junk folder if needs be and to ensure you’re able to receive our emails. *
First line of address *
Postcode *
Telephone number *
Can we share your contact information with other volunteers local to you, so that you can connect with your regional DWB community? *
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