How do you like the current mix of episodes between managed and wild pollinators? *
The show mostly focuses on bees. What do you think about that? *
My favorite shows are with: *
Is there a guest or topic you really want us to cover that we have neglected?
Your answer
I have adopted tips and skills for protecting pollinators from episodes I have listened to. *
If you have adopted tips or skills from the podcast, what is the most impactful practice you are now using?
Your answer
The podcast has improved my confidence in efforts to to protect pollinators in Oregon? *
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
How would you rank pollinator protection efforts in Oregon relative to other states in the US? *
Top state
Bottom state
The podcast has improved my perception around efforts being taken by commercial land managers (e.g., farmers, foresters, landscapers, DOT, golf course superintendents) to protect pollinators? *
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Anything we missed in this survey that you want us to know?
Your answer
Your mailing address (if you want to enter to get an Oregon Bee Project ball cap)
Your answer
Thank you so much for completing this survey! And thanks for listening to the PolliNation! You all inspire us.
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