ChangeLab Staff/Faculty Proposal - Fall 2023
Please fill out this form if you would like to coach a ChangeLab in Fall 2023 (or beyond), or if you have ideas for a ChangeLab that you would like to discuss with the CIC Team. We must receive all ChangeLab proposals by Monday, January 23, 2023, so we can get section numbers assigned for contracting.

Please contact Derek or Erin with any questions:

Derek Jones  812-490-1916 ( 
Erin Lewis      812-449-1044 ( 
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ChangeLab camps are open to all ChangeLab students, but are required for any 3 credit hour ChangeLab. The camps take place from 10am - 2pm on two Saturdays each semester: the first one upon students' return, and again halfway through the semester. We cover important aspects of experiential learning, design thinking, team and project management, and presentation skills. These camps can count toward the required contact hours for the semester. If your project moves forward, make a note so you can put it in your syllabus. *
Your name and email *
Phone Number *
Tell us a bit about your project idea. Ideas can be presented at any level of specificity. For example:
  • "I'd like to have physics and engineering students work together to build a portable solar device that can be placed on top of the Mobile Innovation Lab minivan to generate power." 
  • "I want to research the economic benefits of green space so we can advocate for increased investment."
  • "I would like to work with department XYZ to explore idea PQR." 
  • "I currently teach X. I'd like to find a client or project my students could help." 
Have you already had a conversation with your Department Chair or Supervisor about offering your ChangeLab? It's important for staffing purposes that supervisors are aware, and the CIC is available to be a part of that discussion if needed. *
Which semester / year would you like to offer this ChangeLab? (e.g., Fall 2023, Spring 2024 at Harlaxton, etc.) *
Provide your highest level degree obtained. 
If your highest degree is a BA/BS/BFA, include your # years of experience.
Have you taught an academic course or ChangeLab in the past?  (This is for HR purposes - if you are new to UE HR, will need to add you to our system.) *
Number of Credit Hours- ChangeLab is a variable credit class and can be run for 0-3 credit hours.  

Note that in some cases students involved in the same ChangeLab can take it for different credit hour loads, so long as their work reflects this.  If you anticipate this need, put "variable (0-3)" for your course.  If you have a fixed number of hours in mind, however, please provide that number.   
Course Name (26 characters) *
Provide a short (1-2 sentence) course description for registration purposes.  

Example: "This ChangeLab will explore ways to create a service corps for veterans, providing them with a chance to find a new mission. Students will research uniform design, talk to members of Congress and other branches, and make a recommendation on a potential program."
Day/Time You Want to Meet *
Provide your best estimate of your preferred meeting times. This can be changed later if necessary. 

Location Preference (if in person) *
Provide your preferred classroom for this class.  If you have no preference,  let us know that as well and the Registrar will assign you a classroom.
Could your ChangeLab potentially be cross-listed with any other class? If yes, which one? (Ex: PHYS 499)  If you are unsure of whether your ChangeLab could be cross-listed but want to explore opportunities, let us know. *
Will this be an ongoing or frequently offered ChangeLab that has a consistent section number? *
If your ChangeLab is for 3 credit hours, do you want your department to cover the $50 lab fee for the students? These fees cover experts, training in project management, headshots for LinkedIn, supplies for the ChangeLab camps, their projects and more. 

Some departments cover lab fees for their students, and some have the students pay them as they would any lab fee. If your ChangeLab is fewer than 3 credit hours, there is no fee.
Format: Hybrid, Online or In-Person? *
On Load / Over Load *
If this ChangeLab would convert an existing class that's already part of your contract into something more experiential, that would be considered "on load". 

If this ChangeLab would be an addition to your existing agreement with your department, that would be considered "over load". 

If you are a staff member or administrator without a teaching contract, then you would have to teach your ChangeLab on your own time after hours, over your lunch break, or on nights or weekends. You also can do the project as part of your duties during the work day with clearance from your supervisor, but that would be on a volunteer basis.
Full semester class or "Late Start"? *
You have the option of offering your course for the regular 15 weeks or running it as a Late Start. Those are usually compressed and a little more intense as they cover the same amount of material in less time. The upside is that you can help a lot of students who might need to switch classes to stay on track.
Are there prerequisites or is instructor approval needed?  *
If your ChangeLab course has any prerequisites, we'll follow up with you to make sure it's properly listed with the Registrar.
Would you be open to offering an Honors Section? *
ChangeLabs make great Honors projects. If you're open to offering an Honors section, just check "yes" and we will coordinate the specifics of those student's extra work with Dr. John Stamm and Jayme Williams in Physics, who administer the Honors Program.
Are there particular disciplines or skills that might be helpful to the project? *
This will help us to recruit for your project. We can help talk to faculty in those disciplines, let them know about your project, and with their permission, you can sometimes visit their students to tell them of the opportunity. You can also just tell us the types of students you think might be good, e.g., "graphic design, coding, accounting, good writers", and we will handle the outreach. If you aren't sure yet, just type "not sure".
Do you have a "Dream Client"?
Have you always wanted to work with a particular non-profit or business in our region? It can be a national organization as well - we've had students present at national headquarters and to nonprofits out of Boston. If you're not sure that's totally fine, just type "not sure". But don't hesitate to tell us if you already know of an organization that might benefit from your students' help.
Any questions for the Center?
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