2024 HUD and Hines Competition Sign-up and Team Formation Information
There are two popular graduate student competitions that integrate planning, design, and real estate financing. One is the ULI Hines Competition, the other is the HUD Innovation in Affordable Housing (IAH) Competition. Both require interdisciplinary teams to work on design, development and financing solutions for a real site in a north American city. It has been a great learning experience for students to work with teammates from a range of backgrounds to tackle challenging urban and real estate issues. We strongly encourage everyone to participate. University of Michigan teams have been finalists in both competitions in the past.

To help with team building, we are hosting a mixer event for both competitions, where you can learn how the two competitions are different and hear from students and faculty who have participated in the past.  

The mixer is on Wednesday, October 4th, 2023, from 4:30pm-5:30pm in the Taubman College Commons. 

Filling out this form will help you get access to a database of potential team members.

More information about these two competitions can be found at their respective websites: 

HUD Innovation in Affordable Housing: https://www.huduser.gov/portal/challenge/about.html
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Last Name *
Are you available to attend the Information Session and Mixer on Wednesday, October 4th from 4:30 to 5:30pm?

Even if you are unable to attend the mixer, please continue to fill out this form if you want your name added to the student contact database.  This will allow you and others to find potential teammates.
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