BRNZ - Rule Change Ideas
This form is to gather info on any rule changes that club is members are interested in putting forward.
This will give us some information to discuss the options on this in a forum that is open to all club members.
From there, we can decide which rule changes to submit to MNZ as a club.

We don't HAVE to use this format to get rules put to MNZ but it's a way to raise them to give various ideas a fair hearing before we put them forward.

Email *
Full Name of Submitter *
Purpose of change *
What is this change trying to achieve?
This is the most important part, it's easy to have a good intention and write a rule that doesn't quite work as hoped. If we have a clear understanding of what the intended improvement is it helps us develop the proposed changes as needed.
Current MNZ Rule, if applicable.
If this is a change to the current rule, please provide the rule number and wording of the rule.
Proposed Rule
Write this out how you think the rule should read in the book. It may be that with a bit of discussion, this is refined further.
Background and Rationale?
Give a bit of reasoning on why this rule is a good idea, any background info etc.
How it is good for the sport?
Effect on current situation and riders
Consider people and bikes racing now, what's the effect on them?
Related rules
Use this as a space to comment on how this would work with other rules.
For example;
What other rules might be affected by this?
Do other rules have to change to support this rule? 
Are there any contradictions?
Should it be in road and off-road rules?
Effect on potential situation and riders
How might this change things? is it expected to attract new riders for example.
Implementation Considerations? *
What would need to be done to implement this? IE is a “phase in” period required?
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