Happy Brain Science
Using Brain Science to Engage Across Generational and Age Differences

Please submit feedback regarding the course you have just completed, including feedback on course structure, content, and instructor.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Program Name *
Trainer Name *
Date of Training *
Location *
How likely is it that you would recommend this session to a friend or colleague?
Not at all likely
Extremely likely
Rate your pre-training experience:
Before the training session, my knowledge level on this topic was: *
New to topic
Very familiar with topic
Complete the sentence:
I came to this training hoping to *
Rate your experience of all of the following:
General Organization: The trainer(s) is knowledgeable about this topic. *
1 (strongly disagree)
5 (strongly agree)
General Organization: Materials provided at the training were useful. *
1 (strongly disagree)
5 (strongly agree)
General Organization: The trainer(s) respected the perspectives of all participants. *
1 (strongly disagree)
5 (strongly agree)
General Organization: I increased my knowledge as a result of taking this training. *
1 (strongly disagree)
5 (strongly agree)
Specific Objectives: I explored how brains function at various ages as well as generational and age-related similarities and differences.  *
1 (no, not at all)
5 (yes, definitely)
Specific Objectives: I gained specific insight into how working through these differences are important in creating a thriving organization.  *
1 (no, not at all)
5 (yes, definitely)
Specific Objectives: I discovered steps to move toward intergenerational engagement, excellence, and more. *
1 (no, not at all)
5 (yes, definitely)
Rate your post-training experience:
After the training session, my knowledge level on this topic is *
New to topic
Very familiar with topic
What new information did you take away from this training that you didn't expect to learn? *
What are some of the ways you will use this information in your work? *
If you want tips about once a month from Happy Brain Science in your inbox, what's your email address? (1 click to unsubscribe; we never share your email.) *
Any additional comments?
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