Egaroucid 要望や不具合報告 / Requests & Bug Reports
こちらに書いていただいた内容はGitHubのissue( )に匿名(ユーザからの提案)として掲載する場合があります。

Thank you for using Egaroucid and opening this page. You can report a bug or request a feature here. Requests are not always implemented.
To improve the software, the information you enter in this form may be published anonymously at GitHub issue  ( ) as "User Suggestion".
Though you submitted your e-mail address, there are some cases that I don't send you an e-mail if I don't have any question to you.
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Egaroucid ファミリー / Egaroucid Family
どのアプリですか? / Which application?
Egaroucidには3種類のアプリがあります。EgaroucidはWindows向けの一般的なアプリ、Egaroucid for Consoleはコンソールアプリ、Egaroucid for WebはWebアプリです。上の画像で左から「Egaroucid」「Egaroucid for Console」「Egaroucid for Web」です。

The Egaroucid Project has 3 applications. Egaroucid is the common application for Windows, Egaroucid for Console is a console application, and Egaroucid for Web is a web application. Please see the picture above. The left one is "Egaroucid", middle one is "Egaroucid for Console", and the right one is "Egaroucid for Web".
バージョン / Version
Egaroucid: ウィンドウ左上の表示をそのまま書いてください("Egaroucid 6.1.0 Windows x64 SIMD"など)
Egaroucid for Console: 起動して"version"というコマンドを打って出てきたものを貼り付けてください("Egaroucid for Console 6.1.0 Windows x64 Generic"など)
Egaroucid for Web: バージョン情報は必要ありません。「Web版」などと書いてください。

Please let me know the version as much as possible referring to the following.
Egaroucid: Please type the information shown on the top-left of your window. (such as " Egaroucid 6.1.0 Windows x64 SIMD ")
Egaroucid for Console: Please launch it and type "version" command, then copy the output (such as " Egaroucid for Console 6.1.0 Windows x64 Generic ")
Egaroucid for Web: You don't need to tell me the version. Please type "Web version".
If you don't understand, please don't worry and type "unknown".
名前またはハンドルネーム(任意) Name or Nickname (Optional)
メールアドレスなど / Email Address (Contact Information)
Please let me know your contact information, such as email address, Twitter(X) ID, or Instagram ID, because sometimes I need to contact you about this form. If you do not want to let me know, please write so. Please fill this form in case I can't understand your suggestion or the details of the bug.
提案 / Suggestion
不具合(状況などをできるだけ詳しく) / Bugs (Please write in details)
設定ファイルの情報 / about setting.json
Egaroucidには各種設定を保存するファイル"setting.json"があります。バグ報告の場合、可能であればsetting.jsonをメモ帳などで開き、内容をここに貼り付けてください。インストール版ではC:\Users\[ユーザ名]\AppData\Local\Egaroucid フォルダ内、ポータブル版では[Egaroucidのフォルダ]\appdata フォルダ内にあります。隠したい個人情報は適宜隠してください。
Egaroucid has a file "setting.json" to save your settings. If possible and you are reporting a bug, please open setting.json with Memopad, then copy & paste it here. "setting.json" is under C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Egaroucid directory with install version, and  [Egaroucid directory]\appdata directory with portable version. Please hide information which you don't want us to know.
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