Directory-Navayug School, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi
Please use this to update your details in the Navayug Directory. This is for alumni of Navayug School, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi only.

This information will be shared with Navayugians requesting for the same. 

Please "DO NOT USE" ALL UPPER CASE OR all lower case.

For any queries or comments write to us at 
Email *
Name ( First Name, Last Name) For females - Please mention First Name, (Maiden Name), Last name *
Your status *
If you were a student - Year of Passing out Class XII (Batch) *
If you left school before completing XII, Please mention class and year of leaving school
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Area of Study
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Institutes (& courses) where you studied after leaving Navayug
Current Designation
Current Organisation
Current Country *
Current City *
Address (Current / Permanent) - Optional
Email ID *
Phone Number( Pl prefix country code eg +91xxxxxxxxxx) *
If you were a staff (Teaching or Non-Teaching):  Please mention year of joining and leaving Navayug (Eg 1973-1990)
Any Comments. Under this section, you can also mention about your previous organisations, role, any special skills, awards/ publications or anything that you want us to know.
My particulars can be shared with other Navayugians. Please do not save this form if you do not want your data to be shared. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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