BGA Student Dismissals
Families should complete this Google Form in order to alert the office of their upcoming departure.

We ask that you do your best to complete this form at least two hours prior to dismissal, so our staff can be prepared. If you are dismissing multiple students at the same time, please complete the form once for each student.  
Email *
Email *
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Date of Dismissal
Is your student aware they are being dismissed?
Estimated Pickup Time (between blocks)

Times listed are common transitions between classes on M, T, Th, F.  If possible, please plan to dismiss your child during one of these time slots.  If not, please indicate the actual time.
Name of Person Picking up Student OR Specify if Student has permission to leave by themselves
Must be on the child's contact list in ASPEN. If not, please send a separate email to, including name, address and phone number of the person picking up your child. 
Consent for Person Listed Above to Pickup Student
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