The Racing Monkey | Clip Submission Form
Hi there :)
Welcome to my submission form! Here you can submit racing-game clips to be featured in future montages!
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What game clip do you want to submit? *
Video Links (URL) *
Please enter all your video links here! YouTube (unlisted/public), Dropbox, OneDrive or XboxDVR.
Name to be credited in the video
If you want to be credited in both video & description, please enter your Username/YouTube channel here. (or Twitter, Instagram, Gamertag, etc)
Video Quality Requirements *
All clips MUST have a resolution of 720p or higher and a framerate of at least 25fps! No clips recorded with phone or camera. If you enter YouTube links, only public or unlisted videos will be accepted. Spam submissions will be deleted automatically. Avoid adding music or other edits to your clips for copyright reasons.
Terms & Conditions *
By submitting videos to "The Racing Monkey", you hereby acknowledge that you grant "" a perpetual non-exclusive world-wide license (not ownership) to display, promote, or modify your video(s)/clip(s) for commercial use.
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Thank you for submitting your clip! Really appreciate it :)
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