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Repeat Waiver Request Form - Request for CM Supporting Letter
Per University policy, you may repeat up to four different courses taken at the university, regardless of the original grade earned in these courses; you may repeat a course only once. For the full policy, please see this page:
Since you are seeking an exception to this policy, you must complete the Repeat Waiver Request Form. That is a separate form from this one. You can access the Repeat Waiver Request Form here:
The Repeat Waiver Request Form requires that you submit a letter from the College offering the course that you hope to repeat. The form you are currently completing is how you will request such a letter from the College of Management.
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* Indicates required question
I understand that I also need to complete the Repeat Waiver Request Form (linked above).
No. By choosing this option, a letter will NOT be prepared for you by the College of Management.
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