DevKey Corporation Application Form
Fill out this Form if you wish to join the DevKey Corporation in their adventures on FearlessRP.
What is your Steam name? *
What is your Steam ID? *
What is your Discord ID |NAME#0000| *
Why do you want to join DevKey Corporation? *
Why should we choose you to join our Corporation? *
Prior to applying for DevKey, In what other Organizations have you been? *
What is your punishment history on FearlessRP? *
Of these listed things what would you say you are good at? *
What is your age? *
Do you understand that we are not rule breaking organization and do not want to be viewed this way? If you plan on rule breaking during your time in this organization then please do not apply. *
How many hours have you played FearlessRP? *
How many hours do you have on Garry's Mod? *
Are you a FearlessRP Donator? *
Do you have a microphone? *
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