2024 Rathgeber Tours
Shelter Tour RSVP for The Salvation Army's Rathgeber Center for Families. We will send detailed directions and parking instructions closer to your selected tour date.

For questions, contact Fabiana Pires - fabiana.pires@uss.salvationarmy.org 
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Email *
Names of Attendees  *
Contact phone *
Shelter Tour Selection 
Tours are held every Wednesday. However, if an upcoming Wednesday does not work for your group, please pick another date and we will accommodate within a weeks notice 
Shelter Tour Time
Tours are typically held from 3 to 5 pm. However, if that time does not work for your group, please pick another date and we will accommodate within a weeks notice 
Number of guests attending *
Anything we should know? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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