Family Sign Up: NPS' Early Childhood Center Presents

Please register below for the FREE workshops of your choosing. You are welcome at as many as you like!  Our offerings are geared towards families with children ranging in age from birth to 8 years old; please know families with children of all ages are welcome! A Google calendar note and virtual link will come to you prior to the workshop date.  Northampton Public Schools is grateful for the support of the EEC CPPI & CFCE grants that funds these workshops.
-The Team at the NPS Early Childhood Center
(413) 587-1471
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Monthly Caregiver Cafés

Join early childhood educators, Mandy and Ashley, along with other caregivers/parents for an evening of casual conversation among caregivers as you help each other celebrate and navigate the ups and downs of parenting!

Childcare is provided and dinner is served for all in attendance. 

*New Location!*
This is an IN-PERSON event at JACKSON STREET SCHOOL and meets monthly on the first Tuesday (some date exceptions noted) from 5:30-7 pm.
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Family Game Time at Forbes Library

Drop in to play games and meet other families! Enjoy collaborative games like Snug as a Bug and Busy Town, as well as turn-taking games like Spot It!Hiss, and Zingo. Games are a great way to build communication skills, problem-solving, and brain development. It's also an enjoyable way to promote family time. This Monthly Family Game Time is geared toward families with children ages 3-8 years old. 

Third Tuesdays of the month
4-5 pm at Forbes Library Children's Dept.
20 West Street, Northampton
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Revive Outside with Kestrel Land Trust:
Guided family nature walks to explore, relax, and reconnect with each other. We'll me at the end of Turkey Hill Road in Florence to explore the Mineral Hills Quarry.

Saturday, 3/1 from 10-11:30 am
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Playdates at Smith College Museum of Art:

Artful adventures in and around the museum for 2-5 year-olds and their caregivers!  Explore a different theme in each session on selected Fridays throughout the year. 

Registered families can join us in the Atrium of the Smith College Museum of Art for open play and art experiences from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Upon arrival, sign up for a museum tour slot for 9:45, 10:15, or 10:45 a.m. Museum educator Gina Hall will lead these interactive experiences in the galleries for up to ten children and their caregivers. Families can connect, play, and create in the Atrium with NPS early childhood educator, Ashley Miller, when not in the museum. Please feel free to join us anytime between 9:30-11:30.

Participation will be capped at 30 children.

Fridays: 12/6, 2/7, 4/4, 6/6 [9:30-11:30 am]

Smith College Museum of Art [20 Elm St., Northampton]

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Call your neighborhood elementary school to schedule your Kindergarten classroom observation!
Parent Child+ Home Visiting Program:
Do you ever wish you had a little extra support on your parenting journey? Maybe Parent Child+ is for you! PC+ is a free, home-based literacy, school readiness, and parenting program for Northampton and Hadley parents and their toddlers and preschoolers. 

Interested? Please enter your email or phone number and our PC+ Coordinator, Mandy Gerry, will contact you. 
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Don't forget about our free drop in playgroups for families!

Playgroups for children ages 0-5 years old and their caregivers:
     Northampton Parents Center (NPC): Mon/Tu/Th from 9:30-11:30 am
     Hadley Public Library: Tuesdays 10am-12pm
     YMCA Outdoor Playground w/ NPC: Wednesday 9:30-11:30 am
     Early Bird Infant Group at NPC: Thursdays 8:30am
Which town do you live in? *
How many children are in your care? *
What are the ages of the children in your care? Check all that apply.
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