Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) Board of Directors Nominations
Thank you for submitting a nomination for the 2025-2026 SAA Board of Directors! All members of the national SAA who will be AuD, PhD, AuD/PhD students during the 2025-2026 school year are eligible to run for the SAA Board of Directors.

If you believe you and/or another student who meets these criteria would make a great leader of the national SAA, use this form to submit a nomination. Nominations close on November 30, 2024. A member of the SAA nominations committee will reach out to all eligible applicants with additional information using the provided contact information.

If you have any questions about the nominations process, email the chair and SAA president, Lindee Alvarez at

In addition, the national SAA is always looking for great volunteers! If you're a current SAA member, check out all the opportunities we have available by visiting the SAA website:  
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Will the individual you are nominating be an AuD, PhD, AuD/PhD student during the 2025-2026 academic year? *
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