Kikevo'23 Questionnaire
The questions below are to help us understand and know the general feeling towards Maragoli 2023 Circumcision. 
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Rate your liking or dislike for traditional events like Cultural Circumcision.

Traditional Circumcision among the Maragoli today is more of a formality than a purpose oriented cultural event.

Actively participating in the process of circumcision either as an initiate or a facilitator is a learning chance. 

Are you male or Female?
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Which age group do you belong to?
Were you born single, twin or triplet

Is your father a Maragoli or you are from another tribe? 

If from another tribe, do you wish to join the Maragoli way of life through circumcision of your son [or yourself if uncircumcised?]
Where did you grow up at? [choose a location nearest or best suiting]
Where do you call home now [Chose a location nearest or well suiting]

Which year were you initiated by circumcision? 

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Were you circumcised at hospital or traditionally?

If at Hospital, what was the reason?
Do you remember your nurse [Mudiri]? Was he male or female?
Are you a parent, guardian or not yet?
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If you are a Parent or Guardian, do you have a son at, almost or above 4 years of age?
If yes above,  have you already registered him for the upcoming Kikevo 2023? The village elders are presently taking names and total number of boys for easy coordination of activities.
Are you in any way going to [or would you wish to] participate in the August Kikevo 2023 circumcision?
If NO above, what could be your reason [chose several]

A boy should be circumcised in the father’s land. This tradition discourages children [mainly boys] growing up in maternal land because when they are grown, they will not fit well among other social order reasons. The Elders are asking boys who are living in maternal homes to be taken to paternal homes from where they will meet the knife. What do you say about this?

An age-set is defined as people initiated at the same time, of averagely same age. Do you think it is important to have age-sets? It is 7-10 years among the Maragoli.

Boys circumcised are between 3.5 to 12 years of age. Reason being there is little time for confinement and they can heal quickly. Do you think the age gap is good for an age-set taking note that younger boys [3-6years] do not really understand what is happening to them?

After how long do you think Varogōri should circumcise? 

The Month of August is said to be the traditional and most appropriate time to circumcise. It follows the main harvest of the year and the heavy rains are starting to subside. But there is instance when those not circumcised in August for one reason or another can be circumcised in December the same year but the main circumcision is held in August. What is your view on this? 

The Maragoli Cultural Festival has consistently been marked each December 26th since 1980’s. The event is meant to celebrate Varogōri way of life and instil values of Murogōri. Do you think the event has had substantial impact? 

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Naming of age-sets has been influenced by a number of factors both locally and nationally. The name given gives a clear picture of the times and happenings, importantly considering Maragoli people are spread far and wide. What do you think will contribute to the naming of Kikevo 2023?

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The Maragoli in Nandi circumcised last year, Kikevo 2022. But they are waiting for the age-set name to be declared back at Vihiga when they too will have circumcised. Do you think Vihiga should be starting off Maragoli circumcision world-wide?

Do you think traditional Circumcision and celebration has a place in the Modern Society? [It involves dancing and singing, having boys lining up at the valley bottom and being put in seclusion to heal and be taught on good practises among other observations]

During music and dance, some songs are deliberate, speaking hard to social deviants. The community expects such a family to come out to ‘dance along to express sorries’. But some people went to extremes to sue the dancers in court for insults and name-calling creating post-circumcision issues. What can you say on this? 

The woman is asked not to participate actively in the process but men to take up the responsibility of nursing and taking care of boys. Do you think this is good?

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In the past, young girls of the same age group as the boys being initiated would be skin-marked [by shallow scathing] to celebrate together as the new age-set. Today they are not. What is your view?

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The community is against going to the hospital for circumcision as it fears that without its traditions, it will water away its key indigenous knowledge system. Is the community justified to keep its diversity? 

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With improved and up-to-standard practices including each boy one pack of sterilized tools, expert and organized circumcisers, follow-ups and immediate medical action where necessary, does it increase your confidence in traditional circumcision because such are the excuses given to refuse traditional circumcision?

Health Centre circumcision is discouraged by Murogōri because of several factors including Women nurses being circumcisers, lack of communal organized way of knowing if the boy is circumcised and celebrating him, failure to set secluded places for healing where the boys can be taught about traditions and general failure to observe traditions. Do you think the health centers should support traditional way of life by avoiding this? 

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There was a time when the traditionalists were at conflict with stakeholders like the church, school and administration. This quickly spread the idea that traditions were retrogressive. On the other hand, the traditionalists succeeded in denying some advantages to untraditionally initiated people. For instance you could not be accepted as a leader if you are a known hospital initiate. To add, women are now being appointed into administrative posts yet there is no initiation ceremony for girls. Today the elders are easy, asking for hospital initiates to ask for redemption by atoning for the deviation. Here one who was not initiated traditionally can have his child or son initiated traditionally. This is in aim for being accommodative. Choose [a] statement[s] that best agrees with you. 

Pulling together, being selfless and generous is the spirit of Murogōri circumcision. Here those who have little can be assisted in one way or another. Are you in a position to be of assistance?

If willing, there are several ways to pull together and achieve this. What best suits you?

Thank you for taking your time. Your information and views are secure with me. You may please [Optional] give your Email or WhatsApp number to be contacted for more and receive any other timely updates about Kikevo 2023.
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