Kids class info form - Help us place your student!
Thank you for taking a moment to fill out this form. We work to keep things simple. It's important that you fill out a form for EACH child; e.g. if you have two children, please fill out two separate entries. We will reach out to you within a few days of your filling out and submitting this form.
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Email *
What is the parent/guardian's name who will be primarily bringing the child to class and making arrangements? *
What is the best phone number to contact the parent/guardian in case of emergency? *
What is the full name (first and last) of the child who will be trying out class? Please enter only ONE name. If you have more than one child who is interested in classes, please fill out a new form for each child. *
What is the child's birthday? *
Does the child have any learning and/or health challenges that might be helpful for the instructor to know about? As state certified teachers, we look to make reasonable accommodations the best we are able.
Does the child have any previous martial arts experience? If so, what did they train in and for how long? Previous experience is not required.
Why is this child interested in taking Martial Arts? 
What do the parents/guardians hope that this child will get out of taking Martial Arts classes with us?
How did you hear about SWPDX martial arts?
Anything else you would like the lead Instructors/Owners to know? Questions? 
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