Membership P6
It's amazing that you want to join P6 and become part of our great organization!

It is free to join us! All you need is a membership in Studentlund (

We just need your e-mail to send you newsletters and invitations to general members meetings. We also ask you when you plan to graduate so that we can maintain an updated members' list.

If you have any questions, write to us on Facebook or Instagram or send us an e-mail to
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Email *
Full Name *
Personal Identity Number (YYMMDD-XXXX) *
If you do not have a Swedish Personal Number (yet), please indicate the number you got from LADOK.
I here by state that I have an AF membership *
The AF membership is a requirement to become a member of Projekt Sex. The AF membership is included in the studentlund membership.
I agree to give Lunds Students Projekt Sex (P6) the rights to handle my personal information and to share it with Akademiska Föreningen (AF) *
We only share personal information with AF. This is because we are a recognized association within AF and thereby are subjects to their regular AF memberships controls.
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