UNC Global Climate Strike - March 25th
March 25th is the next global climate strike! We are a coalition of UNC student organizations marching in solidarity with hundreds of other climate strikes around the world. Join us!

Fill out this form to help us gauge interest! We will send occasional updates via email about event details and how you can help out. (We are just a group of UNC students and we promise not to spam you or share your information.)

When: March 25 @ Noon (done by 1pm)
Where: The Pit

You can also follow us on Instagram @uncclimatestrike (but please still fill out this form!)

See our demands: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dDLBhY1uw6ZZdzWZw3xX8IKJ2pSIYzPdtjvuDWveR_w/edit?usp=sharing

See the global call to action: https://fridaysforfuture.org/march25/

If you or your organization want to help organize, email us at uncclimatestrike@gmail.com and we will get you involved!

For a more environmentally just and sustainable UNC!
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How would you like to be involved? (feel free to add more ideas in "Other") *
What important issues related to environmental justice and sustainability in Chapel Hill do you think need our attention?
Anything else we should know?
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