Meet our new business venture HEAT RGV, LLC and help us with feedback!                                                                      
HEAT RGV, LLC is a mobile app that will help you find healthy eats and treats that are allergy friendly, vegan and gluten free quickly within your community. We want to make this the best app so we would love to hear your thoughts or feedback on how we can provide healthy meal options in the RGV.
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How often do you eat fast food?        
Not at all often (No muy seguido)
Extremely often (Muy seguido)
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What restaurant or fast food place do you visit when you want a healthy meal? List as many as you like. *
How often do you use an app to find healthy food options such as recipes, food deliveries, groceries, meal planning, restaurants, etc?                                  
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Do any of the following health issues or diets prevent you from dining at restaurants or fast-food restaurants?
Do you struggle with healthy eating due to time constraints or family preferences?                            
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What healthy food resources would you like to know more about?                                                                    
How has Covid-19 affected your eating habits, if at all? (Choose all that apply) *
How difficult is it for you to find a healthy, vegan, gluten-free, allergy-friendly restaurant in the Rio Grande Valley?
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What words come to mind when you think of Health Eats and Treats RGV?                                                  
How interested are you in using an app to help you find healthy meal options in your area?                                          
Not interested
Very Interested
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What appeals to you most about our venture?                      
And what puts you off?                                                                        
Which of the following would influence you the most if you were to download our app?                                                
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You're almost done! Lets find out what you think about our ventures pricing.
At what USD price would you begin to think the venture app to be a great buy for the money?                                
And at what price would you think it's too cheap to be good quality?                                                                                            
Ok and finally at what price is it getting expensive, but still not out of the question?                                                                
Lastly, some questions about you!                                                                                              
What is your age range?                                                                      
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...and your yearly income?                                                                     ... y sus ingresos anuales?
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What is your current employment status?                                    
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What is the highest level of education you've completed?
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Thank you so much for answering our questions! Check out our website for updates on the HEAT RGV app release date                                                                                                 
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