2022 PATSC Retrospect
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First Name *
Last Name *
Including this, # OAPs *
Grade *
Position *
What did you do at Region that you think was good/successful? *
To you, what was the performance like at Region? *
How did you improve as a company member, from Zone to Region? *
What were your favorite things about the Rehearsals? *
What were your favorite things in the overall process of the show? *
What were some of the things you did not enjoy/find beneficial? *
What was MOST beneficial to you? *
Besides the results, what is something that you would have done differently through the process? *
Besides the results, what is something that you wish was different in the process? *
What did you like most on contest days? *
What did you learn about YOU in this process? *
"Soon you'll forget, and it won't hurt anymore." What is something you WANT to remember about this process? *
What line in the show do you think applies to you the most and why? *
Anything you'd like to say... now's your chance: *
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