Tell Your State Senator: Pass the NY Public Banking Act!
Public banking is a bold strategy for ensuring a just recovery for all New Yorkers. The New York Public Banking Act paves the way for New York cities and counties to establish local public banks that are accountable to the people, with a clear mandate to advance racial and economic justice. Through public banking, local governments can divest from Wall Street, and invest in small and worker-owned businesses, deeply-affordable housing, renewable energy, green infrastructure, and other critical needs.

Change on this scale requires a big dose of people power. That's why New Yorkers from across the state are taking a few minutes to call their State Senators in Albany to demand that they pass the NY Public Banking Act now.

Here's how you can make your voice heard in 4 easy steps:

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Step 1: Tell us who you are
Your name *
Your email address *
Step 2: Find your State Senator
Use the link below to find your State Senator and and their office phone numbers. We recommend calling their Albany office first, and then trying their district office if you can't get through.

Find your State Senator:

Your State Senator: *
Step 3: Call your legislators
If, when selecting your legislator from the drop down menus above their name did NOT have "(already a co-sponsor)" next to it, please use the following script to encourage them to sign-on to the bill.

PLEASE NOTE: If your legislator is "already a co-sponsor" of the bill, please modify the script slightly to thank them for co-sponsoring and then encourage them to be a vocal champion of the bill and to help make sure it gets passed this year.


"Hello, my name is _______, and I'm a constituent of Senator _______ calling from________.
I'm calling to urge Senator _______ to co-sponsor the New York Public Banking Act, Senate Bill 1762A. Through public banking, local governments throughout the state can leverage public money to support affordable housing, small and worker-owned businesses, renewable energy, and other community needs.

Right now, New York needs bold solutions to ensure a just recovery from the devastation of the past two years. The NY Public Banking Act would help drive investment in low-income communities and communities of color hardest hit by COVID-19. This bill has the support of more than 150 community and labor groups across the State and has been co-sponsored by nearly a majority of the Senate. Can I count on Senator _________ to co-sponsor and support Senate Bill 1762A?

Thank you."

[Note: If the person you speak with has specific questions about the bill please record their questions in this section and let them know that representatives from the NYS Community Equity Agenda coalition can follow-up with an answer shortly]

Step 4: Tell us how your call went.
When you called your State Senator, did you speak to a person or leave a voicemail? If you spoke to a person, what was their response? (Please describe any commitments made or follow-up needed.) *
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