Please indicate to us the urgency of your counselor request by choosing from the following:
1: The request is not urgent - it can wait until the next school day or could even possibly be addressed/handled by another staff member, such as a teacher (i.e. scheduling questions/concerns, questions regarding other non-urgent matters, needing to talk about something that is causing minimal disruption/distress).
2: The request is somewhat urgent - I am requesting to speak with a school counselor before the end of the school day, if at all possible (i.e. needing to talk about something that is causing moderate disruption/distress, heightened worry/stress, sadness, or anger, or needing to bring something to a counselor/administrator's attention today).
3: The request is IMMEDIATELY URGENT - I am requesting that a school counselor drop what they are doing and speak with me NOW (this is reserved for genuine emergencies - such as concerns for your safety or the safety of someone else or another crisis-like situation; please only choose this for true urgent/emergent situations, as this might pull a school counselor from a class or from speaking with another student).