Geotechnical Engineering 1
Topics :-
> Soil Formation
> Properties of soils
> Identification and classification of Soil
> Soil Structure and clay Minerals
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When the plastic limit of a soil is greater than the liquid limit, then the plasticity index is reported as:  [SSC:JE: 2014,WCD:2018]
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Gravel and sand belongs to the following category of soils  [SSC:JE: 2014]
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Clay is generally  [SSC:JE: 2014]
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If the volume of voids is equal to the volume of solids in a soil mass, than the values of porosity and voids ratio respectively are [SSC:JE: 2013]
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Sand particles are made of [SSC:JE: 2013]
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A fundamental equation of void ratio (e), specific gravity(G), water content (W) and the degree of saturation (S) is [SSC:JE: 2014]
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The volume of voids to the total volume of soil is known as [SSC:JE: 2014]
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The ratio [(Liquid limit-Water content)/ Plasticity index ] for a soil mass is [SSC:JE: 2014,PWD:JE: 2018,MahaTrans: 2018]
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Water content of soil can [SSC:JE: 2012]
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A soil has an average particle size of 0.2 mm. It is predominantly [SSC:JE: 2011]
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