Transcendental Meditation | Scholarship Application Form
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TM scholarships for gender-based violence are currently only available through David Lynch Foundation offices in New York City, Los Angeles and Washington DC.  Please let us know where you would like to learn. *
Referred by *
First Name *
Last Name *
City, State & Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
How would you prefer to be contacted? *
Reasons for wanting to learn TM (Are you a survivor of DV or Sexual Assault?) *
Are you willing to complete four, short (3-5 min) surveys: one prior to learning TM as well as post-instruction surveys at 1, 3 and 6 months? These voluntary and confidential surveys are crucial to the continuing funding of our survivors of Domestic Violence (DV) and Sexual Assault program. You will still be able to receive a full scholarship, however, if you decide not to participate in the surveys.  *
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