Priorities for 2022 Legislative Session
This year WV Environmental Council plans to increase our lobbying and outreach efforts to WV state legislators by expanding our base of allies across the state. To accomplish this, we want to identify and develop alliances with “influencers” or “grasstops” leaders—such as business, labor, faith, public health, and local elected leaders, along with education, civic and other leaders who live, work, and/or conduct business in a legislator’s district.

Influencers and grasstops leaders are those people or organizations that have relationships, connections or special credentials that could carry weight in influencing or persuading a state legislator. Some examples would be a business that employs a lot of people in the district, or an organization of interest to the legislator, such as one involved with hunting, fishing, sports, civic, religious, technology, membership associations, or other interest area.

We need your help to identify these leaders. As you indicate your legislative priorities, please identify people or organizations who support the issue and who you think would be open to talking and/or collaborating with WVEC in our lobbying efforts.

If you prefer to discuss your ideas via phone, please let us know and we’ll be happy to set up a call.
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First and last name *
Organization (If applicable) *
What issues will you prioritize this legislative session? (choose all that apply) *
For the top issue you’re prioritizing, please suggest a possible Influencer/Grasstops Leader and the Legislator(s) who would be most impacted by this influencer: *
For the second issue you’re prioritizing, please suggest a possible Influencer/Grasstops Leader and the Legislator(s) who would be most impacted by this influencer: *
For the third issue you’re prioritizing, please suggest a possible Influencer/Grasstops Leader and the Legislator(s) who would be most impacted by this influencer: *
Would you like the WVEC lobby team to prioritize your issue? If so, which one?
What resources can you contribute on these issues during the legislative session? (choose all that apply)
Are you or your organization able to financially support the WVEC's legislative efforts?
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