Join a National Board network
National Board networks are focused on supporting candidates, growing accomplished teachers and advocating for the profession.  They range in geographic reach and also include two nation-wide networks. Please complete this form to be connected with a network in your area.

Laura Benedetto
Director, Engagement and Mobilization
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
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First Name *
Last Name *
Preferred Email Address *
Secondary Email Address
School District *
City *
State *
In order to connect you to a network in your geographic area, may I share your email address with the network leadership? *
There is a national network,  National Board Network of Accomplished Minoritized Educators (National Board NAME).  Would you like connected with that network? *
There is a national network, National Board Bureau of Indian Education Network.  Would you like connected with that network? *
If there is not network in your area, would you be interested in starting one with other NBCTs in your region? *
In monitoring our diversity impact, please share your race/ethnicity. *
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