Aspen Fire Hot Work Permit Request
An operational permit is required for hot work including, but not limited to:

1. Public exhibitions and demonstrations where hot work is conducted.
2. Use of portable hot work equipment inside a structure.
                                 Exception:  Work that is conducted under a construction permit.
3. Fixed-site hot work equipment such as welding booths.
4. Hot work conducted within a wildfire risk area.
5. Application of roof coverings with the use of an open-flame device.
6. When approved, the fire code official shall issue a permit to carry out a hot work program. This program allows approved personnel to regulate their facility's hot work operations. The approved personnel shall be trained in the fire safety aspects denoted in this chapter and shall be responsible for issuing permits requiring compliance with the requirements found in Chapter 35. These permits shall be issued only to their employees or hot work operations under their supervision.

For questions please contact The Aspen Fire Marshal's Office at (970) 925-5532 or for an emergency call 911 immediately.
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Email *
Site Address *
Dates or date range that all "Hot Work" is to be performed *
Site Phone Number *
Name of Property Owner *
Name of Responsible Person *
Name of Responsible Company (if applicable)
Address of Responsible Person/Company *
Phone Number for Responsible Person *
Safety Requirements
Upon the returned approval of this application you are granted approval to use open flames for related hot work under the following conditions.

-That a person other than operator of flame device is present at all times and supervises as a fire lookout or watch.

-Adequate fire control equipment (shovels and dirt or water supply and hose, and at least two fire extinguishers) must be kept on site and readily available at all times.

-That cutting or welding shall be over a non-combustible surface such as gravel, cement board, or pavement/asphalt.

-That a cell phone or landline phone is available on site to notify 911 if a fire starts.

-All hot work shall cease if we are placed under a "Red Flag Warning' by the National Weather Service or if atmospheric conditions present a danger that can not be mitigated, i.e. high winds.

-A copy of this submission shall be available to fire officials and/or law enforcement upon request at all times while working.

- Should a fire spread out of control and fire extinguishment becomes necessary, the owner agrees to pay for any resource, other than those owned by the Aspen Fire Protection District, that may be needed to control or extinguish the fire.  
Does the property owner, responsible party and/or responsible company agree to the above safety requirements. *
By entering your name below you understand that the failure to comply with the provisions of this Hot Work Permit may result in legal action being taken against you or your representative(s). *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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