Equity-Minded Syllabus Revision Workshop

How equity-minded is your syllabus? This workshop will discuss the purpose of a syllabus and how it can be a tool for equity-minded practice. Instructors will be introduced to different elements of equity-minded practice and then, in the hands-on portion of the workshop, examine their own draft syllabus for equity. Instructors will walk away from the workshop with practical revisions made to their syllabus for the start of the next semester.

This workshop will be held Wednesday 12/6 from 2–3:20 PM, at the Alexander Library Pane Room. This event is open to all instructors, please share with your colleagues. Coffee, refreshments, and light snack will be available. This workshop addresses Competency 2 of the Classroom Inclusivity Series.  

Please register below to receive more details, and a reminder closer to the event date!
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What questions (if any) do you have about inclusive syllabus design?
Would you like to join the SAS Teaching and Learning e-mail list to receive updates about events and teaching and learning resources?
Light refreshments will be served. Do you have any dietary restrictions you would like the organizers to be aware of?
This event will project a presentation onto a large screen in the front of the room and then allow individuals to work in groups to examine their own draft syllabus to work for equity. Do you have any access requirements you would like the organizers to be aware of?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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