Bangalore Indie Playlist by Neon
We love discovering new music from our home city and want to share it in an easy, accessible manner!

Submit your new, original single here to get featured on Neon's Spotify playlist to showcase the freshest indie music coming out of Namma Bengaluru. We would be happy to showcase any music that's been released since 1st January, 2023.

This playlist is updated weekly and limited to the most recent 100 tracks submitted.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your artist/stage name? *
The spotify link for the single you'd like to feature on our playlist (please include the full song url with https:// to start) *
When was this single released? *
Why do you want this song to be featured on the Bangalore Indie playlist by Neon? *
Social media link to your IG account (eg: *
URL to your LinkedIn profile, if you are active on there.
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