Virtual AI Safety Unconference Registration Form
Welcome to the Virtual AI Safety Unconference 2024 registration form.
Please complete this form to register your interest in participating. We look forward to a collaborative event where participants drive the discussion on the most pressing topics in AI Safety.
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Email *
Your Location
Country, City
Organization, university, or other such entity you're affiliated to. Not a requirement.
Areas of Interest
Please select the AI Safety areas you are particularly interested in.
Further Topics
Topics you are interested in discussing or learning more about.
How Other Participants Can Contact You
One of the purposes of VAISU is to generate valuable connections and knowledge transfer among participants. If you wish to be contacted, please leave a means by which other participants can do so. Otherwise, you may leave this space blank. E.g. email address, scheduling link, Discord name, Social media. 
How did you learn about VAISU?
What do you hope to get out of this event?
Would you like to volunteer?
Hosting is different from giving a talk or running a session; you create breakout rooms and handle any technical issues for the session.
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