Join us for the 60th Anniversary March on Washington and Pre-March Rally with National Urban League CEO, Marc Morial!
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It's not a's a continuation.
Join us as we march together to intensify our efforts towards achieving freedom, justice, and equality for all! 
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Cell Phone *
Affiliation *
Name of Your Urban League Affiliate *
City *
State/ Province *
Zip *
Do you plan to attend the 60th Anniversary March on Washington taking place at the Lincoln Memorial, Saturday, August 26 at 9am ET? *
Do you plan to attend the National Urban League's Pre-March Rally taking place at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill on Saturday, August 26 at 7:00am-8:30am ET? [There will be complimentary shuttle service to the March following the rally]  *
Do you plan to bring a GROUP via bus to attend the March? *
If you indicated you plan to bring a GROUP via bus, please indicate the following below: 

1. Designated Bus Captain's Full Name
2. Designated Bus Captain's Cell Phone & Email Address 
3. Approximately how many will be in your group
4. City and State of Origin
5. Approximate Date/ Time of Arrival to DC
6. Approximate Date/ Time of Departure from DC
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