Central San's In-Person Treatment Plant Tour Registration

Join us for a free tour of our award-winning wastewater treatment plant! This 90-minute walking tour gives members of the public a first-hand look at what it takes to remove human waste and other pollutants from millions of gallons of wastewater each day. You will learn about the mechanical and biological processes we use to clean and disinfect wastewater as well as the ways you can help to keep our waterways clean.

Please view our Follow the Flow video for a glimpse of what you will see on the tour. 

If you have any questions, please contact Ben Lavender at blavender@centralsan.org or (925) 335-7723
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What is one thing you are hoping to learn more about on our tour? *
How did you hear about our treatment plant tours? *
Central San Tour Guidelines and Procedures 
  • Tour attendees must be 18 or older; children age 10 and older can take the tour if accompanied by an adult.
  • The tour will involve a great deal of walking and climbing of stairs; unfortunately we cannot accommodate people with mobility disabilities. 
  • Tour attendees are required to wear closed-toe walking shoes, long pants, and tops with sleeves (no exposed shoulders) 
  • Tour attendees will be provided with hard hats and other necessary safety equipment upon arrival.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the tour start time to get checked in. Attendees who arrive late will not be able to take the tour.
  • Park in "visitor" parking area or along the white curb on Imhoff Place.
  • Come into our main entrance (at the top of the stairs near the flag pole) and check in with the receptionist.
  • Central Contra Costa Sanitary District reserves the right to cancel tours. If a tour is cancelled, we will notify you at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled tour. 
  • If you have any questions prior to the tour, please contact Ben Lavender at 925.335.7723 or blavender@centralsan.org. 
We Look Forward to Meeting You!
Please submit your registration by clicking the button below. You will receive a confirmation email shortly as well as additional communication emails before our event. 

If you have any questions, please contact Ben Lavender at blavender@centralsan.org. or  (925) 335-7723.
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