Food Truck registration
Event Timing: Saturday, October 26th, 4-7 pm
Event Address: Dawes Street in Downtown Bixby
Contact us at (918) 845-4493 or 

** Set up begins at 2:00 pm. No entry to the event site after 3:00 pm.
** Food Trucks must remain in their designated area until the conclusion of the event. No early tear down.
**Event attendance is expected to reach 10,000, so please plan accordingly. 

We are asking all food truck vendors to donate 1,000 pieces of candy to the event. This will be a helpful contribution to the event. Please bring the donation to the event or you can coordinate with us to drop off ahead of time.
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Contact Name *
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Business *
Describe the kind of food you will be selling at the event. *
I understand Bixby's Hallow(themed) Party has the right to approve and deny any food truck application. *
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