DARTdrones Instructor Application Survey
Thank you for your interest in becoming a DARTdrones Instructor. Fill out this form and our team will follow up with. Please note that we require all instructors to have 3+ years minimum of drone experience.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Your City *
Your State *
Do you have any manned aviation experience or licenses? *
Do you possess a FAA Remote Pilot Certificate? *
What year did you get your Part 107 Certificate? *
Have you ever taught manned aviation or Part 107 material? Tell us about that.  *
Which of these drones do you currently own? *
How long have you been flying drones? *
Do you have any experience in the following? *
How many flight hours of mapping experience do you have? Please describe some of the projects you have worked on. The more detail you can give the better. *
How many flight hours of commercial inspections experience do you have? Please describe some of the projects you have worked on. The more detail you can give the better. *
Please describe your experience / expertise in the any of the additional above selected areas of expertise. *
What best describes your current work situation? *
What do you do now for a living? Please describe your situation and availability. *
Are you available and interested in teaching classes during the week? *
Are you available and interested in teaching classes on weekends? *
What procedures have you put in place to ensure safety of your flights? Please use as much detail as possible. *
Please describe your past experience teaching. *
Do you currently teach any drone training for other companies? Who do you teach for? *
Would you like to add anything else to your application?
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