Tiny Bit of Wood Retail Vendor Application
Thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor in the Tiny Bit of Wood retail space! We're excited to check out your work and see if we're a good fit for each other. Our retail space will be set up similar to a gallery:
  • Vendors will be given space for a specific number of pieces they'd like to sell in the store. If an item sells, it can be replaced with an item of similar size and value.
  • This space will be available for 3 months with the option to renew for an additional 3 months depending on demand and fit.
  • We take a 30% cut of all sales.
We are excited to have a diversity of offerings in our space which includes artwork and goods made of materials other than wood. While we don't expect all wood-crafted pieces to be made from urban lumber, we will prioritize inclusion of sustainably crafted work and limit work made from such things as exotic woods sourced from other countries. 

Please answer the following questions and we'll be in touch soon about your application!

The TBOW Team
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Your Name *
Email Address *
Business Name  *
Where are you located? *
Provide an artist/maker's statement (tell us about your work, what calls you to this work, and anything else you'd like us to know about you!) *
What medium do you use?  (e.g., wood, stained glass, watercolor) *
How many pieces would you like to feature in the store? *
What is the price range of your pieces?  *
Please send photos of the items you'd like to include to tinybitofwood@gmail.com along with short descriptions of each. Submissions that do not have photos will not be considered.  *
Feel free to write any questions you have below. Thanks and we'll get back to you about your application soon!
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