RYL 24-25 Reference Form
Thank you for providing a recommendation for Richardson Youth Leadership (RYL). RYL is a leadership development program for high school juniors, emphasizing leadership development, while learning how a community and its various parts work. It also allows students to gain insight on potential career opportunities. RYL is managed by the Leadership Richardson Alumni Association. The program length is the duration of the academic school year. 

For questions about this form and/or the Richardson Youth Leadership, please contact Courtney Rains at admin@richardsonyouthleadership.com.
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Name of Applicant *
Date *
Reference Name
Relationship to Applicant
Reference Email Address
Reference Phone Number
How long have you known the applicant?
What do you consider to be the applicant’s greatest strengths?
Summarize why you believe this applicant would be a good candidate for Richardson Youth Leadership. Please include any examples/comments on the applicant’s current and/or potential leadership abilities.  
Are there any concerns about this applicant’s participation?
If yes, please explain:
Please feel free to provide additional comments you believe would be helpful for us to know about the applicant.
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