FOH Careers at Entourage Naperville
Thank you for your interest in working with us at Entourage Modern American Kitchen + Cocktails in Naperville. Your resume and application will be reviewed and you will be contacted if they align with the needs and goals of the position you apply for.
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Street address *
City *
Zip code *
Desired starting date *
Which position(s) are you interested in? *
Are you applying to work... *
Have you ever worked for Entourage or VAI's before? *
Are you at least 18 years of age? *
How did you hear about Entourage? *
Referred by
Have you ever been discharged from a job before? *
Can you submit legal verification of your legal right to work in the United States? *
How many shifts would you like to work each week? *
How many hours would you like to work each week? *
Select the shifts you are available *
Can you work weekends? *
Can you work holidays? *
Are there any specific times or days in which you object to working that Entourage needs to be aware of? *
If yes, please explain
Do you have any special schedule requests that may conflict with your availability? For example: vacation, school, reserve duty, etc. *
If yes, please explain
Are you employed right now? *
If yes, what is the length in time required for your notice?
A training schedule will require you to work both nights and days consecutively. Arrangements will need to be made if you have other obligations during training. Are you willing to reschedule so that you can complete your training? *
Emergency contact name *
Emergency contact relationship *
Emergency contact email address *
Emergency contact phone number *
Did / do you go to high school? *
If yes, what school did you attend?
Years completed
Clear selection
Did / do you go to college? *
If yes, what school did you attend?
Years completed
Clear selection
Did / do you go to trade school? *
If yes, what school did you attend?
Years completed
Clear selection
Did / do you go to post graduate school? *
If yes, what school did you attend?
Years completed
Clear selection
Current / previous job company name
Current / previous job position
Current / previous job duties
Current / previous job average hours worked per week
Were you responsible for handling cash?
Clear selection
Current / previous job start date
Reason for leaving
Current / previous job phone number
Current / previous job supervisor name
Can we contact them?
Clear selection
Current / previous job company name
Current / previous job position
Current / previous job duties
Current / previous job average hours worked per week
Were you responsible for handling cash?
Clear selection
Current / previous job start date
Reason for leaving
Current / previous job phone number
Current / previous job supervisor name
Can we contact them?
Clear selection
Reference #1 name
Reference #1 phone number
Reference #1 relationship
Reference #2 name
Reference #2 phone number
Reference #2 relationship
If you are offered a position with  Entourage, we will require notification of any criminal history. Certain offenses could result in revocation of original offer.
I declare that I am qualified to perform all the duties of the position that I am seeking. I also declare that the information I have provided on this application is correct and that any false statements or omissions will justify my rejection or dismissal. I authorize Entourage to contact any of my previous employers as well as any reference source to verify the facts and information that I have furnished regarding my qualifications and character. I authorize any person(s) having knowledge to provide such information in good faith. I authorize Entourage and its agents to verify any information related to my application or resume. I also authorize individuals, schools, employees, and law enforcement or government officials to freely release any information concerning my background, and hereby release any and all of them from any liability for doing so. I will agree to a drug test, if permitted by law to be paid for by the company. If employed by Entourage, I understand that I will be an employee at will and that my employment with Entourage may be terminated at any time by myself or Entourage for any reason whatsoever. Finally, I understand that this is only an application for employment and not an offer nor contract of employment. No part of this application shall be construed as an offer of employment or an employment contract.
I agree *
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