Input into courses on digital trust and transparency technologies  
We are developing master classes and courses on digital technologies related to blockchain and digital trust and transparency technologies. see for more information about our philosophy.

We are collecting names and email addresses on a voluntary basis to be able to get back to you if we have questions. Information will not be shared beyond the team working on capacity development and only for getting back to you if we have follow-up questions.
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Name (optional)
email (optional)
Affiliation (optional)
Would you be interested in courses on *
One-off webinar
Small group masterclass
Tailor-made course
Data interoperability for value chain optimization
Digital food system transparency and traceability
Protecting privacy in the digital world
Connection of blockchain and sustainability (and/or SDG)
How to design related projects
If you indicated other, please let us know what topics you would like covered.
Are interested in more discussions regarding the impact of COVID-19 on food supply chains and the wider implications for agrifood?
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When would be a good time for you to participate in a course?
Cost sharing
While we believe in the provision of global public goods, that provision comes with some costs. We are still debating how to provide training and make ends meet. Certain types of basic training through online tutorials requires only the preparation of the material but little or no costs in giving the training.  Tailor-made courses with one-on-one support are quite costly. What we can offer encompasses the whole domain.
Some of our partners in this endeavor are publicly funded organizations, others are private companies so we would like to get a sense of what types of courses people are interested in (see earlier question above).
we would like to know if you, your organization or project would be able and willing to pay for training through AgriFoodTrust.
Are you, your organization or project willing to pay a modest fee between USD 100 and USD 200 to get some personal attention in the training? *
Are you, your organization or project interested in a tailor-made training directed at solving a specific challenge with digital trust and transparency technologies at a cost? *
Please leave any other thoughts you may have on capacity development on digital trust and transparency technologies potentially offered by AgriFoodTrust.
Thank you!
The summary of results will be made available through the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture, community of Practice on Socio-economic Data website and through the AgriFoodTrust portal.
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