Choss Lore Membership Form
Thank you so much for supporting the Choss Lore project by purchasing an annual membership! This form will collect information to create your account.

Choss Lore is working on 501(c)(3) status, and we hope to update this in the near future!

Please begin by entering your preferred email address:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your preferred name? *
Please include a first and last name, e.g. "Jane Doe"
Please select a membership option: *
Click here for a detailed description of the Membership Plans
Click here for an overview of the Cairn Database
How frequently would you like to receive email updates?
What would you like to be notified about? (Please check or mark all that apply)
Do you have any specific research interests in southcentral Alaska history (e.g. individuals, settlements, aspects or eras)?
Any other notes you would like to share?
I acknowledge that I am about to pay for one year of membership, starting on today's date and valid for one calendar year. I am ready to proceed to payment... *
There is current no option for auto-renewal of membership. You will receive a notice 30 days prior to its expiration with a reminder to renew if you wish.
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