Knowledge Transfer Partnerships: Driving Business Growth 

Join us at the Wood Centre for Innovation for this exciting event to discover the opportunities at Oxford Brookes and learn how a KTP collaboration can benefit your organisation. 

This session will include:

-A keynote presentation on how you can get involved in KTPs  by Dr Matt Hogan (Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Adviser for Oxfordshire, Berkshire and West London) and Anna Verghese (Oxford Brookes KTP Manager)  

- A panel discussion with academics and business leaders sharing their experience of working together on KTPs

-An opportunity to network with like-minded colleagues

-Opportunities to discover how Brookes academics can drive your business growth.


5:15 - 5:30- Registration
5:30 - 6:30 - Keynote Presentations and Panel Discussion
6:30 - 7:30 - Reception & Networking
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