Peace UCC-Read Aloud Guest Sign Up
Guests from the community are invited to come and read to the scholars. The guest reader should be introduced to the scholars, including information about the person’s role in the community. The read-aloud time exposes scholars to the site library and to the favorite books of the guest reader. It also allows people from the community to visit and see what the CDF Freedom Schools program is all about and demonstrates to scholars that reading is important to everyone.  Harambee starts at 8:30am, we ask for our read aloud guest to arrive at 8:20am
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Name (s)  *
Affiliated Organization *
A Short Bio (No longer than ten sentences. Bio should include your role in the community. This will be read before you read your book) *
Children's Book of Choice to Read (No pressure if you are not sure. We can provide you with a book.) *
Sign up via this link: 

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