San Diego Archers Tournament Registration Form
For March 23, 2024 (Saturday) only. This is a shotgun start shoot, with all archers walking to their reserved target number prior to releasing arrows after 9 am. The range briefing will start in the practice area at around 8:40 am.

Field-White Stakes: 4 Arrows per target, 5-4-3 scoring, 28 targets, See instructions at stake.

Add up each arrow’s score to give a total score out of a maximum 560.

If you would like to help us speed up the registration process for all attendees, please print both the scorecard and waiver form in advance. These documents can be found linked on the previous registration page.

If you prefer to stand in line, please visit the visitors' table on the day of the shoot. There, you will be asked to sign a paper waiver for each shooter, review the range safety rules, and reserve your starting target number.

Registration and payment steps:

 • Register using this form (step 1). This form will walk you through registration, and link to the online payment page after you click the submit button (step 2).

 • Registration and Concessions*:
Free online registration (here). 
Free for children, 14 and below. 
$10 for SDA members & Active-Duty Military (w/mulligans+doe tags for 3D shoots, $14). 
$15 for Non-members (w/mulligans+doe tags for 3D shoots, $19). 
+$5 for in-person visitors' table registration (proposed). 

    * Water bottles: Pickup free at the visitors' table. 
    * Sodas and snacks: $1 each. Drop payment in Pay Pole or visitors' table. 

If you have questions, please contact us at

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